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[1]James Shreeve,The Genome War:How Craig Venter Tried to Capture the Code of Life and Save the World(New York:Ballantine,2005),p. 6.

第1章 记录我的密码


[3]Daniel Max,“Gordon Lish:An Editor Who Attracts Controversy,”St.Petersburg Times,May 3,1987,p. 7D

[4]Leah Garchik,“News Personals,”San Francisco Chronicle,March 1,1991,p. A8.

第2章 死亡大学


第3章 肾上腺素迷


[2]James D. Watson,A Passion for DNA:Genes, Genomes and Society(New York:Oxford University Press,2000),p.97.

[3]Francis Crick,What Mad Pursuit:A Personal View of Scientifc Discovery(London:Weidenfeld and Nicolson,1988),p. 64.


[5]James D Watson,The Double Helix Ed G Stent(London:Weidenfeld&Nicolson,1981),p. 98.

[6]James D Watson,Genes, Girls and Gamow(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001),p. 5.

[7]Matt Ridley,Francis Crick:Discoverer of the Genetic Code(London:Harper Press,2006),p. 77.

[8]Watson,A Passion for DNA,p. 120.

[9]Venter, J. C.,Dixon, J.E.,Maroko, P.R.,and Kaplan, N.O.“Biologically Active Catecholamines Covalently Bound to Glass Beads.”Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.,USA 69,1141-1145,1972

第5章 科学的天堂,官僚的地狱

[1]“除了工作我的最大的兴趣就是园艺和‘坐在船里四处游逛’”Fred Sanger,《自传》,Nobelprize.org.例如,他喜欢和César Milstein一起出海。

[2]Chung, F. Z.,Lentes, K.U.,Gocayne, J.D.,Fitzgerald, M.,Robinson, D.,Kerlavage, A.R.,Fraser, C.M.,and Venter, J.C.“Cloning and Sequence Analysis of the Human Brain Beta-Adrenergic Receptor:Evolutionary Relationship to Rodent and Avian Beta Receptors and Porcine Muscarinic Receptors.”FEBS Lett211,200-206,1987.

[3]Gocayne, J. D.,Robinson, D.A.,Fitzgerald, M.G.,Chung, F.-Z.,Kerlavage, A.R.,Lentes, K.-U.,Lai, J.-Y.,Wang, C.D.,Fraser, C.M.,and Venter, J.C.,“Primary Structure of Rat Cardiac Beta-Adrenergic and Muscarinic Cholinergic Receptors Obtained by Automated DNA Sequence Analysis:Further Evidence for a Multigene Family.”Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.,USA 84,8296-8300,1987.

[4]Cook-Deegan,The Gene Wars,p. 139.


[6]Cook-Deegan, The Gene Wars, p. 184.

[7]James Shreeve,The Genome War:How Craig Venter Tried to Capture the Code of Life and Save the World(New York:Ballantine,2005),p. 79.当时Watson正在和Gerry Rubin谈话。

[8]Cook-Deegan,The Gene Wars,pp. 313—314.

[9]Ibid.,pp. 226,220.

第6章 大生物学

[1]James D. Watson,DNA:The Secret of Life(New York:Knopf,2003),p.180.

[2]Christopher Anderson and Peter Aldhous,Nature,354,November 14,1991.

[3]James D. Watson,DNA:The Secret of Life,p.280.

[4]Adams, M. D.,Kelley, J.M.,Gocayne, J.D.,Dubnick, M.,Polymeropoulos, M.H.,Xiao, H.,Merril, C.R.,Wu, A.,Olde, B.,Moreno, R.,Kerlavage, A.R.,McCombie, W.R.,and Venter, J.C.,“Complementary DNA Sequencing:‘Expressed Sequence Tags'and the Human Genome Project,”Science252,1651—1656,1991.

[5]Leslie Roberts, Science,252,June 21,1991.

[6]John Sulston and Georgina Ferry,The Common Thread(London:Corgi,2003),p. 9.

[7]Ibid.,p. 125.

[8]Leslie Roberts,“Genome Patent Fight Erupts,”ScienceOctober 11,1991,184,Vol. 254,No.5029,184—186.

[9]Robert Cook-Deegan,The Gene Wars:Science, Politics and the Human Genome(New York:Norton,1994),p. 311.

[10]James Shreeve,The Genome War:How Craig Venter Tried to CapturetheCodeofLifeandSavetheWorld(New York:Ballantine,2005),p. 85.




[14]Cook-Degan,The Gene Wars,p. 208.Brenner创造的一个名字,他开玩笑说他自己更愿意称之为THUG(恶棍)。

[15]Peter Aldhous,Nature353,785,1991.

[16]Letter from Jan Witkowski to Craig Venter, October 30,1991.

[17]Christopher Anderson,Nature353,485—486,1991.

[18]Alex Barnum,San Francisco Chronicle,December 2,1991.

[19]Sulston and Ferry,The Common Thread,p. 103.

[20]Robin McKie,“Scandal of U. S.bid to buy vital UK research,”Observer,January 26,1992,21.Ibid.


[22]Ibid.,p. 3.

[23]Sulston and Ferry,The Common Thread,p. 115.

[24]布丽奇特·奥格尔维会见罗杰·海菲尔,2006年7月25日。Cook-Deegan,The Gene Wars,p.333.

[25]Cook-Deegan,The Gene Wars,p. 336.

[26]Ibid.,p. 328.

[27]Victor McElheny,WatsonandDNA:MakingaScientifcRevolution(New York:John Wiley,2003),p. 266.

[28]Christopher Anderson,Nature9 July 9,1992,vol. 358,issue 6382.

[29]Michael Gottesman,Purely Academic Molecular Interventions4:10-15(2004)

[30]Gina Kolata,“Biologist's speedy gene method scares peers but gains backers,”TheNewYorkTimes,July 28,1992,p. C1.


[32]Cook-Deegan,The Gene Wars,p. 325.

第7章 TIGR问世

[1]John Sulston and Georgina Ferry,TheCommonThread(London:Corgi,2003),p. 127.


[3]Gina Kolata,“Biologist's Speedy Gene Method Scares Peers But Gains Backer,”TheNewYorkTimes,July 28,1992,p. C1.

[4]Robert Cook-Deegan, The Gene Wars:Science,Politics and the Human Genome(New York:Norton,1994),p. 327.

[5]Francis Collins,The Language of God:A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief(New York:Free Press,2006),p. 36.

[6]Cook-Deegan,The Gene Wars,p. 341.

[7]Editorial,Nature,“Venter's venture”362:575—576,1993

第8章 基因战争

[1]Daniel S. Greenberg,“Clinton Goes Slow on Health Research,”The Baltimore Sun,August 10,1993,p.11A.

[2]Eliot Marshall,“Varmus:the View from Bethesda,”Science,vol. 262,no.5138,p.1364,November 26,1993.

[3]“NIH Shakeup Continues,”Science262:643,1993.

[4]James Shreeve,TheGenomeWar(New York:Ballantine,2004),p. 90.

[5]Sandra Sugawara,“A Healthy Vision,”The Washington Post,November 16,1992.

[6]Robert F. Massung*,Joseph J.Esposito, Li-ing Liu, Jin Qi, Theresa R.Utterback, Janice C.Knight, Lisa Aubin, Thomas E.Yuran, Joseph M.Parsons, Vladimir N.Loparev, Nickolay A.Selivanov, Kathleen F.Cavallaro*,Anthony R.Kerlavage, Brian W.J.Mahy&J.Craig Venter.Potential virulence determinants in terminal regions of variola smallpox virus genome.Nature 366,(December 30,1993)pp.748—751.

[7]“Gone but not forgotten,”TheEconomist,August 14,1993.

[8]Betsy Wagner,“Smallpox is Now a Hostage in the Lab,”The Washington Post,January 4,1994.

[9]Christopher Anderson,“NIH Drops Bid for Gene Patents,”Science263:909—910,February 18,1994.

[10]然而,基因绝不是问题的全部:在2002年《科学》的一篇文章里伦敦大学国王学院的Terrie Moffitt发现一个有趣的先天后天的影响,他发现仅仅被虐待和不太活跃的孩子才更有可能发展出行为问题。Caspi, A.,McClay, J,Moffi tt, T.,Mill, J.,Martin, J.,Craig, I,Taylor, A.,and Poulton, R.(2002).Evidence that the cycle of violence in maltreated children depends on genotype.Science,297,851—854.

[11]Eliot Marshall,“HGS Opens Its Databanks—For a Price,”Science266,25,October 7,1994;and David Dickson,“HGS seeks exclusive option on all patents using its cDNA sequences,”Nature371,463,October 6,1994.

[12]“Breast Cancer Discovery Sparks New Debate on Patenting Human Genes,”Nature371,271—272,September 22,1994.

[13]“Ownership and the Human Genome,”Nature371,363—364,September 29,1994.

[14]Jerry Bishop,“Merck's Plan for Public-Domain Gene Data Could Blow Lid Off Secret Genetic Research,”TheWallStreetJournal Europe,September 30,1994.

[15]Eliot Marshall,“A Showdown Over Gene Fragments,”Science266,208—210,October 14,1994.

[16]John Sulston and Georgina Ferry, TheCommonThread(London:Corgi,2003),p. 139.

[17]Eliot Marshall,“The Company That Genome Researchers Love to Hate,”Science266,1800—1802,December 16,1994.

第9章 霰弹枪法测序

[1]Ashburner, M.,Won for All:How the Drosophila Genome was Sequenced(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,2006),p. 7.

[2]Rachel Nowak,“Venter Wins Sequence Race—Twice,”Science268,1273,June 2,1995.

[3]Time,June 5,1995,p. 21.

[4]Nicholas Wade,“Bacterium's Full Gene Makeup Is Decoded,”May 26,1995,p. A16.

[5]Fleischmann, R. D.,Adams, M.D.,White, O.,Clayton, R.A.,Kirkness, E.F.,Kerlavage, A.R.,Bult, C.J.,Tomb, J.-F.,Doughtery, B.A.,Merrick, J.M.,McKenney, K.,Sutton, G.,FitzHugh, W.,Fields, C.,Gocayne, J.D.,Scott, J.,Shirley, R.,Liu, L.-I.,Glodek, A.,Kelley, J.M.,Weidman, J.F.,Phillips, C.A.,Spriggs, T.,Hedblom, E.,Cotton, M.D.,Utterback, T.R.,Hanna, M.C.,Nguyen, D.T.,Saudek, D.M.,Brandon, R.C.,Fine, L.D.,Fritchman, J.L.,Fuhrmann, J.L.,Geoghagen, N.S.M.,Gnehm, C.L.,McDonald, L.A.,Small, K.V.,Fraser, C.M.,Smith, H.O.,Venter, J.C.“Whole-Genome Random Sequencing and Assembly ofHaemophilusinfuenzaeRd,”Science 269,496—512,1995.

[6]Smith, H. O.,Tomb, J.-F.,Doughtery, B.A.,Fleischmann, R.D.,and Venter, J.C.,“Frequency and Distribution of DNA Uptake Signal Sequences in theHaemophilus inf uenzaeRd Genome,”Science 269,538—540,1995.

[7]James Shreeve,The Genome War:How Craig Venter Tried to CapturetheCodeofLifeandSavetheWorld(New York:Ballantine,2005),p. 110.

[8]Nicholas Wade,“First Sequencing of Cell's DNA Defi nes Basis of Life,”The New York Times,August 1,1995,p. C1.

[9]Rachel Nowak,“Homing In on the Human Genome,”Science269,469,July 28,1995.

[10]Fraser, C. M.,Gocayne, J.D.,White, O.,Adams, M.D.,Clayton, R.A.,Fleischmann, R.,Bult, C.J.,Kerlavage, A.R.,Sutton, G.,Kelley, J.M.,Fritchman, J.L.,Weidman, J.F.,Small, K.V.,Sandusky, M.,Fuhrmann, J.,Nguyen, D.,Utterback, T.R.,Saudek, D.M.,Phillips, C.A.,Merrick, J.M.,

Tomb, J.,Dougherty, B. A.,Bott, K.F.,Hu, P.,Lucier, T.S.,Peterson S.N.,Smith, H.O.,Hutchison, C.A.,Venter, J.C.“The Minimal Gene Complement ofMycoplasma genitalium,”Science 270,397—403,1995.

[11]Andre Goffeau,“Life with 482 Genes,”Science270,October 20,1995.

[12]Karen Young Kreeger,“First Completed Microbial Genomes Signal Birth of New Area of Study,”The Scientist,November 27,1995.

[13]Adams, M. D.,Kerlavage, A.R.,Fleischmann, R.D.,Fuldner, R.A.,Bult, C.J.,Lee, N.H.,Kirkness, E.F.,Weinstock, K.G.,Gocayne, J.D.,White, O.,Sutton, G.,Blake, J.A.,Brandon, R.C.,Man-Wai, C.,Clayton, R.A.,Cline, R.T.,Cotton, M.D.,Earle-Hughes, J.,Fine, L.D.,FitzGerald, L.M.,FitzHugh, W.M.,Fritchman, J.L.,Geoghagen, N.S.,Glodek, A.,Gnehm, C.L.,Hanna, M.C.,Hedbloom, E.,Hinkle, Jr.,P.S.,Kelley, J.M.,Kelley, J.C.,Liu, L.I.,Marmaros, S.M.,Merrick, J.M.,Moreno-Palanques, R.F.,McDonald, L.A.,Nguyen, D.T.,Pelligrino, S.M.,Phillips, C.A.,Ryder, S.E.,Scott, J.L.,Saudek, D.M.,Shirley, R.Small, K.V.,Spriggs, T.A.,Utterback, T.R.,Weidman, J.F.,Li, Y.,Bednarik, D.P.,Cao, L.,Cepeda, M.A.,Coleman, T.A.,Collins, E.J.,Dimke, D.,Feng, P.,Ferrie, A.,Fischer, C.,Hastings, G.A.,He, W.W.,Hu, J.S.,Greene, J.M.,Gruber, J.,Hudson, P.,Kim, A.,Kozak, D.L.,Kunsch, C.,Hungjun, J.,Li, H.,Meissner, P.S.,Olsen, H.,Raymond, L.,Wei, Y.F.,Wing, J.,Xu, C.,Yu, G.L.,Ruben, S.M.,Dillon, P.J.,Fannon, M.R.,Rosen, C.A.,Haseltine, W.A.,Fields, C.,Fraser, C.M.,Venter, J.C.“Initial Assessment of Human Gene Diversity and Expression Patterns Based Upon 52 Million Basepairs of cDNA Sequence.”Nature377 suppl.,3—174,1995.

[14]John Maddox,“Directory to the human genome,”Nature376,pp. 459—460,August 10,1995.

[15]Elyse Tanouye,The Wall Street Journal,September 28,1995.

[16]Tim Friend,USA Today,vr 28,1995.

[17]Nicholas Wade,The New York Times,September 28,1995.

[18]David Brown and Rick Weiss,TheWashingtonPost,September 28,1955.

[19]Sue Goetinck,The Dallas Morning News,September 28,1995.


[21]John Carey,“The Gene Kings,”Business Week,May 8,1995.

[22]Richard Jerome,“The Gene Hunter,”People,June 12,1995.

[23]Troy Goodman, U. S.News and World Report,October 9,1995.

[24]Bult, C. J.,White, O.,Olsen, G.J.,Zhou, L.,Fleischmann, R.D.,Sutton, G.G.,Blake, J.A.,FitzGerald, L.M.,Clayton, R.A.,Gocayne, J.D.,Kerlavage, A.R.Dougherty, B.A.Tomb, J.-F.,Adams, M.D.,Reich, C.I.,Overbeek, R.,Kirkness, E.F.,Weinstock, K.G.,Merrick, J.M.,Glodek, A.,Scott, J.L.,Geoghagen, S.M.,Weidman, J.F.,Fuhrmann, J.L.,Nguyen, D.,Utterback, T.R.,Kelley, J.M.,Peterson, J.D.,Sadow, P.W.,Hanna, M.C.,Cotton, M.D.,Roberts, K.M.Hurst, M.A.,Kaine, B.P.,Borodovsky, M.,Klenk, H.-P.,Fraser, C.M.,Smith, H.O.,Woese, C.R and Venter, J.C.“Complete Genome Sequence of the Methanogenic Archaeon, Methanococcus jannaschii,”Science 372,1058—1073,1996.

[25]Tim Friend,USA Today,August 23—25,1996.

[26]The Christian Science Monitor,August 23,1996.

[27]The Economist,August 24,1996.

[28]Jim Wilson,Popular Mechanics,December 1996.

[29]San Jose Mercury News,August 23,1996.

[30]Curt Suplee,The Washington Post,September 30,1996.

[31]Nicholas Wade,“Thinking Small Paying Off Big in Gene Quest,”The New York Times,February 3,1997.

第10章 机构脱离

[1]Gina Kolata,“Wallace Steinberg Dies at 61;Backed Health Care Ventures,”The New York Times,July 29,1995.

[2]Angus Phillips,“He Leaves His Body to Science, His Heart to Sailing.”The Washington Post,November 24,1996.

[3]Nicholas Wade,The New York Times,June 24,1997.

[4]Beth Berselli,“Gene Split;Research Partners Human Genome and TIGR Are Ending Their Marriage of Convenience,”The Washington Post,July 7,1997.

[5]The(Memphis)Commercial Appeal,July 4,1997.

[6]TimFriend,“20000 New Genes Boon to Research,”USAToday,June 25,1997.


第11章 测序人类

[1]Maurice Wilkins,The Third Man of the Double Helix:The Autobiography of Maurice Wilkins(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2003),p. 206.

[2]James Shreeve,The Genome War:How Craig Venter Tried to CapturetheCodeofLifeandSavetheWorld(New York:Ballantine Books,2005),p. 19.

[3]Elizabeth Pennisi,“DNA Sequencers'Trial by Fire,”Science280,814—817,May 8,1998.

[4]John Sulston and Georgina Ferry,TheCommonThread,(London:Corgi,2003),p. 172.

[5]Shreeve,The Genome War,p. 163.

[6]Ibid.,p. 21.

[7]Nicholas Wade,“Scientist's Plan:Map All DNA Within 3 Years,”The New York Times,May 10,1998,p. 1,20



[10]Nicholas Wade,“Beyond Sequencing of Human DNA,”The New York Times,May 12,1998.

[11]Sulston and Ferry, The Common Thread, p. 172.

[12]Ibid.,p. 174.

[13]Justin Gillis and Rick Weiss,“Private Firm Aims to Beat Government to Gene Map,”The Washington Post,May 12,1998,A01.

[14]Nicholas Wade,“Beyond Sequencing of Human DNA.”

[15]Gillis and Weiss,“Private Firm.”


[17]Elizabeth Pennisi,“DNA Sequencers'Trial by Fire,”Science, May 81998:Vol. 280.no.5365,pp.814—817.

[18]Sulston and Ferry,The Common Thread,p. 171.

[19]ShreeveThe Genom War,p. 23.

[20]Ibid.,p. 51.

[21]Sulston and Ferry,The Common Thread,p. 180.

[22]Ashburner, M.Won for All:How the Drosophila Genome was Sequenced(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,2006),p. 1.

[23]Ibid.,p. 15.

[24]Sulston and Ferry,The Common Thread,p. 176.


[26]Shreeve,The Genome War,p. 48.

[27]Ibid.,p. 53.

[28]Sulston and Ferry,The Common Thread,p. 188.

[29]Shreeve,The Genome War,p. 53.

第12章 疯狂的杂志和破坏性的生意人

[1]John Sulston and Georgina Ferry,TheCommonThread(London:Corgi,2003),p. 190.

[2]James Shreeve,The Genome War:How Craig Venter Tried to CapturetheCodeofLifeandSavetheWorld(New York:Ballantine,2005),p. 125.

[3]Shreeve,The Genome War,p. 93.

[4]Ibid.,p. 226.

[5]Maynard Olson,“The Human Genome Project:A Player's Perspective,”JournalofMolecularBiology,2002,319,931—942.

第13章 向前飞

[1]James Shreeve, The Genome War:How Craig Venter Tried to CapturetheCodeofLifeandSavetheWorld(New York:Ballantine,2005),p. 285.

[2]Ashburner, M.Won for All:How the Drosophila Genome was Sequenced(Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,2006),p. 45.

[3]Shreeve,The Genome War,p. 300.

[4]Ashburner, M.,Won for All,p. 55.

[5]John Sulston and Georgina Ferry,TheCommonThread(London:Corgi,2003),p. 232.

[6]Mark D. Adams, Susan E.Celniker, Robert A.Holt, Cheryl A.Evans, Jeannine D.Gocayne, Peter G.Amanatides, Steven E.Scherer, Peter W.Li, Roger A.Hoskins, Richard F.Galle, Reed A.George, Suzanna E.Lewis, Stephen Richards, Michael Ashburner, Scott N.Henderson, Granger G.Sutton, Jennifer R.Wortman, Mark D.Yandell, Qing Zhang, Lin X.Chen, Rhonda C.Brandon, Yu-Hui C.Rogers, Robert G.Blazej, Mark Champe, Barret D.Pfeiffer, Kenneth H.Wan, Clare Doyle, Evan G.Baxter, Gregg Helt, Catherine R.Nelson, George L.Gabor Miklos, Josep F.Abril, Anna Agbayani, Hui-Jin An, Cynthia Andrews-Pfannkoch, Danita Baldwin, Richard M.Ballew, Anand Basu, James Baxendale, Leyla Bayraktaroglu, Ellen M.Beasley, Karen Y.Beeson, P.V.Benos, Benjamin P.Berman, Deepali Bhandari, Slava Bolshakov, Dana Borkova, Michael R.Botchan, John Bouck, Peter Brokstein, Phillipe Brottier, Kenneth C.Burtis, Dana A.Busam, Heather Butler, Edouard Cadieu, Angela Center, Ishwar Chandra, J.Michael Cherry, Simon Cawiey, Carl Dahlke, Lionel B.Davenport, Peter Davies, Beatriz de Pablos, Arthur Delcher, Zuoming Deng, Anne Deslattes Mays, Ian Dew, Suzanne M.Dietz, Kristina Dodson, Lisa E.Doup, Michael Downes, Shannon Dugan-Rocha, Boris C.Dunkov, Patrick Dunn, Kenneth J.Durbin, Carlos C.Evangelista, Concepcion Ferraz, Steven Ferriera, Wolfgang Fleischmann, Carl Fosler, Andrei E.Gabrielian, Neha S.Garg, William M.Gelbart, Ken Glasser, Anna Glodek, Fangcheng Gong, J.Harley Gorrell, Zhiping Gu, Ping Guan, Michael Harris, Nomi L.Harris, Damon Harvey, Thomas J.Heiman, Judith R.Hernandez, Jarrett Houck, Damon Hostin, Kathryn A.Houston, Timothy J.Howland, Ming-Hui Wei, Chinyere Ibegwam, Mena Jalali, Francis Kalush, Gary H.Karpen, Zhaoxi Ke, James A.Kennison, Karen A.Ketchum, Bruce E.Kimmel, Chinnappa D.Kodira, Cheryl Kraft, Saul Kravitz, David Kulp, Zhongwu Lai, Paul Lasko, Yiding Lei, Alexander A.Levitsky, Jiayin Li, Zhenya Li, Yong Liang, Xiaoying Lin, Xiangjun Liu, Bettina Mattei, Tina C.McIntosh, Michael P.McLeod, Duncan McPherson, Gennady Merkulov, Natalia V.Milshina, Clark Mobarry, Joe Morris, Ali Moshrefi, Stephen M.Mount, Mee Moy, Brian Murphy, Lee Murphy, Donna M.Muzny, David L.Nelson, David R.Nelson, Keith A.Nelson, Katherine Nixon, Deborah R.Nusskern, Joanne M.Pacleb, Michael Palazzolo, Gjange S.Pittman, Sue Pan, John Pollard, Vinita Puri, Martin G.Reese, Knut Reinert, Karin Remington, Robert D.C.Saunders, Frederick Scheeler, Hua Shen, Bixiang Christopher Shue, Inga Sidén-Kiamos, Michael Simpson, Marian P.Skupski, Tom Smith, Eugene Spier, Allan C.Spradling, Mark Stapleton, Renee Strong, Eric Sun, Robert Svirskas, Cyndee Tector, Russell Turner, Eli Venter, Aihui H.Wang, Xin Wang, Zhen-Yuan Wang, David A.Wassarman, George M.Weinstock, Jean Weissenbach, Sherita M.Williams, Trevor Woodage, Kim C.Worley, David Wu, Song Yang, Q.Alison Yao, Jane Ye, Ru-Fang Yeh, Jayshree S.Zaveri, Ming Zhan, Guangren Zhang, Qi Zhao, Liansheng Zheng, Xiangqun H.Zheng, Fei N.Zhong, Wenyan Zhong, Xiaojun Zhou, Shiaoping Zhu, Xiaohong Zhu, Hamilton O.Smith, Richard A.Gibbs, Eugene W.Myers, Gerald M.Rubin, and J.Craig Venter.“The Genome Sequence of Drosophila melanogaster,”Science, March 24,2000:2185—2195.