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Baxter,Charles.“Against Epiphanies.” In Burning Down the House:Essays on Fiction(Saint Paul,MN:Graywolf Press,1997),53-54,56-58,60,62-63,65-66.

_____.“Prowlers” and “Saul and Patsy Are Pregnant.” In A Relative Stranger(New York:Penguin,1990),50,58,219,223.

Carver,Raymond.“Fat” and “Cathedral.” In Where I'm Calling From:New & Selected Stories(New York:Atlantic Monthly Press,1988),51-52,279.

Chekhov,Anton.“A Gentleman Friend” and “The Kiss.” In A Doctor's Visit:Short Stories by Anton Chekhov,edited by Tobias Wolff(New York:Bantam,1988),46,48,143.

Chopin,Kate.“The Story of an Hour.” In The Awakening and Selected Stories(New York:Modern Library,1981).

Conrad,Joseph.Heart of Darkness,edited by Robert Kimbrough(New York:Norton,1971),71.

Curtis,C.Michael.American Stories:Fiction From The Atlantic Monthly(San Francisco:Chronicle Books,1990),xii.

Fitzgerald,F.Scott.The Great Gatsby(New York:Collier Books,1986),111-112.

Hills,Rust.Writing in General and the Short Story in Particular(Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1987),19.

Joyce,James.“Araby” and “The Dead.” In Dubliners(London:Jonathan Cape,1967),29-32,36,249,255-256.

_____.Stephen Hero,edited by Theodore Spencer(New York:New Directions,1963),211.

Munro,Alice.“Miles City,Montana.” In Selected Stories(New York:Vintage,1997),376,392-393.

O'Connor,Flannery.“A Good Man Is Hard to Find.” In The Complete Stories(New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux,1981),131-133.

_____.“On Her Own Work.” In Mystery and Manners,edited by Sally and Robert Fitzgerald(New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux,1981),111-113.

Olsen,William.“The Reading Life.” Lecture at Vermont College,July 2000.

Prose,Francine.“What Makes a Short Story?” In On Writing Short Stories,edited by Tom Bailey(New York:Oxford University Press,2000),10.

Schwartz,Sheila M.“Afterbirth” and “Contributor's Note.” In Prize Stories 1999:The O.Henry Awards,edited by Larry Dark(New York:Anchor Books,1999),257,261-262,407.

Updike,John.“Pigeon Feathers.” In Pigeon Feathers and Other Stories(Greenwich,CT:Fawcett Crest,1962),85,88,105.

Ventrella,Lisa.“Got Epiphany?” Lecture at Vermont College of Fine Arts,January 2008.