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Anderson,Sherwood,cited in Writers on Writing,3rd ed.,edited by Jon Winokur(Philadelphia:Running Press,1990),349.

Borges,Jorge Luis. “Epilogue.” In Dreamtigers,translated by Harold Morland(Austin:University of Texas Press,1978),93.

Butler,Robert Olen. From Where You Dream:The Process of Writing Fiction,edited by Janet Burroway(New York:Grove Press,2005),23.

Cavafy,C.P. “Hidden Things.” In Collected Poems,edited by George Savidis,translated by Edmund Keeley and Philip Sherrard(Princeton:Princeton University Press,1992),195.

Chekhov,Anton. Letter to Grigori Rossolimo,October 11,1899. In The Selected Letters of Anton Chekhov,edited by Lillian Hellman,translated by Sidonie Lederer(New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux,1955),251.

_____. “The Bishop” and “The Lady With the Pet Dog.” In A Doctor's Visit:Short Stories by Anton Chekhov,edited by Tobias Wolff(New York:Bantam Classics,1988),72-73,77,157-158.

Dickinson,Emily. Poem 1129. In The Poems of Emily Dickinson,edited by Thomas H. Johnson(Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1955),506..

Dunn,Stephen. Lecture at Lyon College,Batesville,Arkansas,April 1995..

Eliot,T.S. “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.” In The Complete Poems and Plays,1909-1950(New York:Harcourt,Brace and World,197l),6.

Flaubert,Gustave,cited in Albert Thibaudet,Gustave Flaubert(Paris:Gallimard,1935),92.

_____. Letter to Louise Colet,December 23,1853. In Madame Bovary,edited by Paul de Man(New York:Norton,1965),317.

Graham,Jorie. “Noli Me Tangere.” In The End of Beauty(New York:Ecco Press,1987),41.

Greene,Graham,cited in Robert Olen Butler,From Where You Dream:The Process of Writing Fiction(New York:Grove Press,2005),23.

Hall,Donald. “Goatfoot,Milktongue,Twinbird:The Psychic Origins of Poetic Form.” In Claims for Poetry,edited by Donald Hall(Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1982),142.

_____. “Interview With Peter Stitt.” In Death to the Death of Poetry(Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1994),153.

_____. Their Ancient Glittering Eyes:Remembering Poets and More Poets(New York:Ticknor and Fields,1992),38.

Hughes,Ted. “The Art of Poetry LXXI,” The Paris Review 134(spring 1992):75.

Jauss,David. “Cyrano.” In Improvising Rivers(Cleveland:Cleveland State University Press,1995),50-51.

Johnson,Edgar. Charles Dickens:His Tragedy and Triumph(New York:Simon & Schuster,1952),34-46.

Kunitz,Stanley. Next-to-Last Things:New Poems and Essays(Boston:Atlantic Monthly Press,1985),28-29.

Machado,Antonio,cited in Tom Hansen,“The New Old Imagination,” Willow Springs 27(winter 1991):64.

O'Brien,Tim. The Things They Carried(New York:Penguin,1990).

Paley,Grace. Interview with Kay Bonetti in American Audio Prose Library(June 1,1987).

Schmidt,Elizabeth. “Imagining Emily,”The New York Times Book Review,102(March 2,1997):31.

Shakespeare,William.As You Like It,Act III,scene iii.Simic,Charles. Introduction toThe Best American Poetry 1992(New York:Scribner,1992),xiv.

Trilling,Lionel. “Art and Neurosis.” InThe Liberal Imagination(New York:Scribner,1950),169.

Walters,Mark Jerome.The Dance of Life:Courtship in the Animal Kingdom(New York:Arbor House,1988),9.

Wilde,Oscar. “L'Envoi” toRose-leaf and Apple-leaf. In The Works of Oscar Wilde,vol. 9 (New York:Lamb Publishing Co.,1972),74.

_____. “The Critic as Artist.” In The Artist as Critic:Critical Writings of Oscar Wilde,edited by Richard Ellmann(New York:Random House,1969),389.

* Note:The “autobiographical” section titled “Zorro's Servant” is in fact fictional.