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Baxter,Charles. “Media Event.” In Through the Safety Net(New York:Penguin,1986).

Booth,Wayne C. The Rhetoric of Fiction(Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1961),151,161.

Bowen,Elizabeth. “The Demon Lover.” In The Collected Stories of Elizabeth Bowen(New York:Vintage,1982),665.

Brockmeier,Kevin. “These Hands.” In Things That Fall From the Sky(New York:Vintage,2002),3.

Burroway,Janet.Writing Fiction:A Guide to Narrative Craft,5th ed.(New York:Longman,2000),209.

Casparis,Christian Paul. Tense Without Time:The Present Tense in Narration(Bern:A. Francke,1975),39.

Chekov,Anton. “A Trifle From Real Life.” In Russian Silhouettes:More Stories of Russian Life by Anton Tchekoff,translated by Marian Fell(New York:Scribner,1915),27-28.

Cohen,Richard.Writer's Mind:Crafting Fiction(Lincolnwood,IL:NTC Publishing Group,1995),93.

Cohn,Dorrit. Transparent Minds:Narrative Modes for Presenting Consciousness in Fiction(Princeton:Princeton University Press,1978),65.

Conrad,Joseph. “Heart of Darkness.” In The Portable Conrad,edited by Morton Dawen Zabel(New York:Penguin,1978),481,496,500,518..

Dostoevsky,Fyodor. Crime and Punishment,translated by Constance Garnett(New York:Modern Library,1950),99.

Eliot,T.S. “Hamlet and His Problems.” In The Sacred Wood:Essays on Poetry and Criticism(London:Methuen,1983),100.

Eugenides,Jeffrey.Middlesex(New York:Picador,2002),442.

Faulkner,William.Light in August(New York:Random House,1959),130.

_____. The Sound and the Fury,edited by David Minter(New York:Norton,1987),59.

Fitzgerald,F. Scott.The Great Gatsby(New York:Collier Books,1986),112.

Flaubert,Gustave.Madame Bovary,translated by Mildred Marmur(New York:Signet,2001),85-86,131,272.

Grass,Günter.The Tin Drum,translated by Ralph Manheim(New York:Vintage International,1990),25.

Hemingway,Ernest. A Farewell to Arms(New York:Scribner,1995),258.

_____. “Hills Like White Elephants” and “The Light of the World.” In The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway(New York:Scribner,1966),275-278,384.

James,Henry. “Preface to The Wings of the Dove.” In The Art of Criticism:Henry James on the Theory and Practice of Fiction,edited by William Veeder and Susan M. Griffin(Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1986),355.

James,William.The Principles of Psychology,vol. 1(Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1981),233.

Joyce,James.A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (New York:Signet,1991),28-29,217.

_____. Ulysses(New York:Vintage,1990),59,68,738.

Rosenthal,Chuck. E-mail to the author,April 22,2002.

Rushdie,Salman. Midnight's Children(New York:Avon Books,1982),31.

Sartre,Jean-Paul. “Intimacy,” cited in Dorrit Cohn,Transparent Minds:Narrative Modes for Presenting Consciousness in Fiction(Princeton:Princeton University Press,1978),64.

Schwartz,Delmore. “In Dreams Begin Responsibilities.” In In Dreams Begin Responsibilities and Other Stories(New York:New Directions,1978),3.

Tolstoy,Leo.War and Peace,translated by Anthony Briggs(London:Penguin,2005),487.

Vargas Llosa,Mario.Letters to a Young Novelist,translated by Natasha Wimmer(New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux,1997),8.

_____. The Perpetual Orgy:Flaubert and Madame Bovary,translated by Helen Lane(New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux,1986),186-187,192,194,200.