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Barthelme,Donald. “Not-Knowing.” In The Pushcart Prize XI:Best of the Small Presses,edited by Bill Henderson(Wainscott,NY:Pushcart Press,1986),28.

Benedict,Helen. “Tone Deaf:Learning to Listen to the Music in Prose,” Poets & Writers 29,no. 6(November/December 2001):·14-15.

Biggar,Lisa. Letter to the author,November 17,2002.

Bly,Robert. Comment during panel on prose poetry at the Associated Writers and Writing Programs conference,Washington,DC,April 1996.

Bosselaar,Laure-Anne. “The Interrogation of Stephen Dobyns,”The Writer's Chronicle 34,no. 1(September 2001):46.

Brown,E.K.Rhythm in the Novel(Lincoln:University of Nebraska Press,1978).

Capote,Truman,cited in Writers on Writing,3·rded.,edited by Jon Winokur(Philadelphia:Running Press,1990),294.

Carver,Raymond. “Menudo.” In Where I'm Calling From:New & Selected Stories(New York:Atlantic Monthly Press,1988),338.

Dybek,Stuart. “Magic in Craft.” In Novel Voices,edited by Jennifer Levasseur and Kevin Rabalais(Cincinnati:Writer's Digest Books,2003),64..

Faulkner,William.Light in August(New York:Random House,1959),121.

Flaubert,Gustave.The Selected Letters of Gustave Flaubert,translated and edited by Francis Steegmuller(New York:Vintage,1953),174.

Fodor,Jerry A.The Language of Thought(Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1980),56,61,67.

Ford,Ford Madox.Portraits From Life(Boston:Houghton Mifflin,1937),70-71,74.

Forster,E.M.Aspects of the Novel(New York:Harcourt,1927),213,235,240-241.

Harding,D.W.Words Into Rhythm:English Speech Rhythm in Verse and Prose(New York:Cambridge University Press,1976),140-141.

Harrell,Tom,cited in Whitney Balliett,“Tom and Jeru,”The New Yorker(April15,1996):94.

Hass,Robert. Twentieth Century Pleasures:Prose on Poetry(New York:Ecco Press,1984),108,113.

Hemingway,Ernest. “A Clean,Well-Lighted Place.” In The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (New York:Scribner,1966),379.

Hempel,Amy. “A Conversation With Amy Hempel.” In Story Matters,edited by Margaret-Love Denman and Barbara Shoup(Boston:Houghton Mifflin,2006),223.

Hopkins,Gerard Manley. 1878 letter to Richard Watson Dixon,cited in Tillie Olsen,Silences(New York:Delacorte Press,1978),126.

Kundera,Milan.The Art of the Novel(New York:HarperCollins,1993),75-77,88-89.

Lacan,Jacques.Speech and Language in Psychoanalysis,translated by Anthony Wilden(Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University Press,1981),262..

Lawrence,D.H. “Odour of Chrysanthemums.” In The Complete Short Stories of D H. Lawrence,vol. 2(New York:Viking,1961),283.

Macauley,Robie and George Lanning.Technique in Fiction,2nd ed.(New York:St. Martin's Press,1987),73.

Malouf,David. Interview with Kevin Rabalais,Writers Ask 33(2006):13..

Maritain,Jacques.Creative Intuition in Art and Poetry(Cleveland:World Publishing Group,1954),67,202-203,205.

Mattison,Alice. Interview with Barbara Brooks,Writers Ask 31(2006):6.

Max,D.T. “The Carver Chronicles,”The New York Times Magazine(August 9,1998):34-56.

Morris,Wright.About Fiction(New York:Harper & Row,1975),67,69-70,73.

Nabokov,Vladimir. “On a Book Entitled Lolita.” In Lolita(New York:Putnam,1955),317.

Pascal,Blaise.Pascal's Pensées(New York:Dutton,1956),7.

Pound,Ezra. “Vorticism,”Fortnightly Review 96(1914):463.

Queneau,Raymond.Exercises in Style,translated by Barbara Wright(New York:New Directions,1981).

Rich,Adrienne,cited in “A Conversation With Carolyn Ferrell.” In Story Matters,edited by Margaret-Love Denman and Barbara Shoup(Boston:Houghton Mifflin,2006),211.

Rilke,Rainer Maria. December 29,1908,letter to Auguste Rodin. In Letters of Rainer Maria Rilke,1892-1910,translated by Jane Bannard Greene and M.D.Herter Norton(New York:Norton,1945),342.

Russell,Bertrand.An Inquiry Into Meaning and Truth(London:George Allen and Unwin,1940),347.

Tufte,Virginia.Grammar as Style(New York:Holt,Rinehart & Winston,1971),8-9,11,29.

Wolff,Tobias. “The Chain.” In The Night in Question(New York:Knopf,1996),131-132.

Woolf,Virginia. Letter to Vita Sackville-West,cited in Douglas Bauer,“The Pack Mule of Prose:Thoughts on the Sentence,”The Writer's Chronicle(September 2003):40.

Yeats,William Butler. “An Introduction to My Plays.” In Essays and Introductions(New York:Macmillan,1961),530.