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Adams,Henry.The Education of Henry Adams(New York:Modern Library,1931),406,451,497-498.

Aristotle.Aristotle/'s Poetics,translated by S.H.Butcher,edited by Francis Fergusson(New York:Hill and Wang,1961),61,104.

Bachelard,Gaston.The Poetics of Space,translated by Maria Jolas(Boston:Beacon Press,1994),xxxii.

Barthelme,Donald.“Not-Knowing.” In The Pushcart Prize XI:Best of the Small Presses,edited by Bill Henderson(Wainscott,NY:Pushcart Press,1986),24.

Baudelaire,Charles.“Correspondences,” translated by Richard Wilbur.In The Flowers of Evil,edited by Marthiel and Jackson Mathews,revised ed.(New York:New Directions,1963),12.

Beardsley,Monroe C.Aesthetics:Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism(New York:Harcourt,Brace,1958),138,141.

Beckett,Samuel.More Pricks Than Kicks(New York:Grove Press,1970),38.

Bernstein,Leonard.The Infi nite Variety of Music(New York:Simon & Schuster,1966),141.

Bishop,Elizabeth.“Roosters” and “One Art.” In The Complete Poems 1927-1979(New York:Farrar Straus and Giroux,1995),·35-39,178.

Blake,William.“The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.” In The Complete Poetry and Prose of William Blake,edited by David V.Erdman(New York:Doubleday,1988),34.

Bogen,Joseph E.and Glenda M.Bogen.“Creativity and the Bisected Brain.” In The Creativity Question,edited by Albert Rothenberg and Carl R.Hausman(Durham:Duke University Press,1976),257-258.

Bohr,Niels,cited in Bill Becker,“Pioneers of the Atom,” The New York Times Magazine(October 20,1957):52.

Breton,André.“Second Manifesto of Surrealism.” In Manifestoes of Surrealism,translated by Richard Seaver and Helen R.Lane(Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1972),123.

Brooks,Cleanth.The Well Wrought Urn:Studies in the Structure of Poetry(New York:Harcourt,Brace,1956),3,7,18,81.

Byatt,A.S.Still Life(New York:Collier Books,1985),85.

Cocteau,Jean.Cocteau on the Film:Conversations with Jean Cocteau Recorded by André Fraigneau(New York:Dover,1972),63.

Coleridge,Samuel Taylor.Biographia Literaria,edited by George Watson(London:J.M.Dent & Sons,1971),85.

Conrad,Joseph.Lord Jim,edited by Thomas C.Moser(New York:Norton,1968),196.

Cox,Mark.“After Rain.” In Natural Causes(Pittsburgh:University of Pittsburgh Press,2004),69.

Crane,Hart.“Voyages.” In The Complete Poems and Selected Letters and Prose of Hart Crane,edited by Brom Weber(Garden City,NY:Doubleday,1966),41.

Dickinson,Emily.Poems 465,501,and 657.In The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson,edited by Thomas H.Johnson(Boston:Little,Brown,1961),223,243,327.

Donne,John.“The Flea,” “Song,” and “Holy Sonnet 14.” In John Donne:The Major Works,edited by John Carey(Cambridge:Oxford University Press,2000),89,


Dostoevsky,Fyodor.Letters to N.A.Lyubimov,May 10,1879,and June 11,1879.

In Selected Letters of Fyodor Dostoevsky,translated by Andrew R.Mac-Andrew,edited by Joseph Frank and David I.Goldstein(New Brunswick,NJ:Rutgers University Press,1987),464-465,470.

_____,cited in Philip Rahv,The Myth and the Powerhouse(New York:Noonday Press,1966),149.

Dunn,Stephen.“Interview with Stephen Dunn,” conducted by Philip Dacey,The Cortland Review(www.cortlandreview.com/features/00/03/index.html),March 2000,6.

_____.“The Past.” In The Insistence of Beauty(New York:Norton,2004),39.

_____.“The Soul/'s Agents.” In Everything Else in the World(New York:Norton,2006),36.

Ehrenzweig,Anton.The Hidden Order of Art:A Study in the Psychology of Artistic Imagination(Berkeley:University of California Press,1967),32.

Emerson,Ralph Waldo.“Brahma.” In Collected Poems and Translations,edited by Harold Bloom and Paul Kane(New York:Library of America,1994),159.

Faulkner,William.Absalom,Absalom!(New York:Modern Library,1951),76.

Fitzgerald,F.Scott.The Great Gatsby(New York:Collier Books,1980),40.

Freud,Sigmund.“The Antithetical Sense of Primal Words.” In On Creativity and the Unconscious:Papers on the Psychology of Art,Literature,Love,Religion(New York:Harper & Row,1958),·54-55.

García Lorca,Federico.“The Irresistible Beauty of All Things,” Harper/'s Magazine,309,No.1852(September 2004):28.

_____.“Somnambule Ballad.” In The Selected Poems of Federico García Lorca,edited by Franciso García Lorca and Donald M.Allen(New York:New Directions,1955),65.

Gass,William H.“The Pedersen Kid.” In In the Heart of the Heart of the Country and Other Stories(Boston:Godine,1981),75.

Graves,Robert,cited in Amy Lowell,“The Process of Making Poetry.” In The Creative Process:A Symposium,edited by Brewster Ghiselin(New York:New American Library,1952),109.

Harries,Karsten.“Metaphor and Transcendence.” In On Metaphor,edited by Sheldon Sacks(Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1979),71.

Hass,Robert,citing an unnamed source in an interview with Bill Moyers on The Language of Life,PBS,July 7,1995.

Hayles,N.Katherine.Chaos Bound:Orderly Disorder in Contemporary Literature and Science(Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1988),184.

Hegel,G.W.F.Hegel/'s Logic:Being Part One of the Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences,translated by William Wallace(Oxford:Oxford University Press,1975),305.

Hemingway,Ernest.A Farewell to Arms(New York:Scribner,1995),126.

Hempel,Amy.“A Conversation With Amy Hempel.” In Story Matters,edited by Margaret-Love Denman and Barbara Shoup(Boston:Houghton Mifflin,2006),223.

Herrick,Robert.“Delight in Disorder.” In The Complete Poetry of Robert Herrick,edited by Douglas Brooks-Davies(New York:Everyman/'s Library,1997),15.

Hirshfi eld,Jane.“Poetry and Uncertainty,” The American Poetry Review 34/6(November/December 2005):65.

Holton,Gerald.Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought:Kepler to Einstein(Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1973),121,148,150.

Jamison,Kay Redfield.Touched With Fire:Manic-Depressive Illness and the Artistic Temperament(New York:Free Press,1993),112,127.

Joyce,James.Ulysses(New York:Vintage,1961),154,167,414,488..

Keats,John.Letter to George and Tom Keats,December 21(27?),1817.In The Letters of John Keats,1814-1821,vol.1,edited by Edward D.McDonald(New York:Viking,1936),193.

Lawrence,D.H.“Preface to The Grand Inquisitor.” In Phoenix:The Posthumous Papers of D.H.Lawrence,edited by Edward D.McDonald(New York:Viking,1936),283.

Lee,Li-Young.“An Interview With Li-Young Lee Conducted by Carolyn Alterio,”Poetry Miscellany 30(2004):3.

Marks,Lawrence E.,Robin J.Hammeal and ·Marc H.Bornstein.Perceiving Similarity and Comprehending Metaphor,Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development,Serial No.215,vol.52,no.1(Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1987),·73-74.

Melville,Herman.“Hawthorne and His Mosses.” In Shorter Works of Hawthorne and Melville,edited by Hershel Parker(Columbus:Merrill,1972),225-226.

_____.Moby-Dick,or The Whale,edited by Charles Feidelson,Jr.(New York:Bobbs-Merrill Co.,1969),724.

Merleau-Ponty,Maurice.Phenomenology of Perception,2nd ed.,translated by Colin Smith(London:Routledge,2002),266.

Merwin,W.S.“The Annunciation.” In The First Four Books of Poems(New York:Atheneum,1977),147.

Milton,John.“Samson Agonistes.” In The Poems of John Milton(New York:Thomas Nelson and Sons,1937),530.

Moore,Marianne.“What Are Years?” In The Complete Poems of Marianne Moore(New York:Penguin,1982),95.

Nabokov,Vladimir.“The Potato Elf.” In A Russian Beauty and Other Stories(New York:McGraw-Hill,1974),223,232,237,240,245.

_____.Speak,Memory(New York:Putnam,1966),34-36.

O/'Connor,William Van.“Irony.” In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics,edited by Alex Preminger(Princeton:Princeton University Press,1974),407.

Oppenheimer,J.Robert,from a September 1955 talk on BBC radio,quoted as an epigraph in James Schevill,The Arena of Ants(Providence:Copper Beech Press,1977).

Pessoa,Fernando,cited in Richard Zenith,“Introduction:The Drama and Dream of Fernando Pessoa.” In Fernando Pessoa and Co.:Selected Poems,translated and edited by Richard Zenith(New York:Grove Press,1998),11-12.

Plath,Sylvia.“Medusa.” In The Collected Poems,edited by Ted Hughes(New York:HarperPerennial,1992),224-226.

Poe,Edgar Allan.“Al Aaraaf.” In Poe:Poetry,Tales,and Selected Essays(New York:Library of America,1996),45.

Priest,Graham.“What Is So Bad About Contradictions?” In The Law of Non-Contradiction:New Philosophical Essays,edited by Graham Priest,J.C.Beall,and Bradley Armour-Garb(Oxford:Clarendon Press,2004),23.

Raban,Jonathan,cited in Ian Hamilton,Robert Lowell:A Biography(New York:Vintage,1983),431.

Rich,Adrienne.“When We Dead Awaken:Writing as Re-Vision.” In On Lies,Secrets,and Silence:Selected Prose 1966-1978(New York:Norton,1979),43.

Rothenberg,Albert.“The Process of Janusian Thinking in Creativity.” In The Creativity Question,edited by Albert Rothenberg and Carl R.Hausman(Durham,NC:Duke University Press,1976),313-316,322,325.

Russell,Bertrand.The History of Philosophy(New York:Simon & Schuster,1945),xiv.

Shakespeare,William.Romeo and Juliet,Act I,scene i.

Sorensen,Roy.A Brief History of the Paradox:Philosophy and the Labyrinths of the Mind(New York:Oxford University Press,2005),304.

Stevens,Wallace.“Connoisseur of Chaos.” In Poems by Wallace Stevens,edited by Samuel French Morse(New York:Vintage,1959),97.

Thomas,Dylan.“Vision and Prayer.” In The Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas,1934-1952(New York:New Directions,1957),165.

Underwood,Anne.“Real Rhapsody in Blue,” Newsweek(December 1,2003):67.

Venturi,Robert.Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture,2nd ed.(New York:The Museum of Modern Art,1977),16,42.

Ward,Brian.“The Literary Appropriation of Chaos Theory,” Ph.D.diss.,University of Australia,1998.

Warnke,Frank J.and Alex Preminger.“Oxymoron.” In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics,edited by Alex Preminger(Princeton:Princeton University Press,1974),596.

Wasiolek,Edward.Dostoevsky:The Major Fiction(Cambridge:MIT Press,1964),168.

Weil,Simone.First and Last Notebooks,translated by Richard Rees(London:Oxford University Press,1970),86,134,216.

_____.Gravity and Grace,translated by Arthur Wills(New York:Putnam,1952),151,156.

_____.The Simone Weil Reader,edited by George A.Panichas(New York:David McKay,1977),379.

Whitman,Walt.“Song of Myself.” In Leaves of Grass,edited by Sculley Bradley and Harold W.Blodgett(New York:Norton,1973),88.

Wilde,Oscar.“The Truth of Masks.” In The Prose of Oscar Wilde(New York:Cosmopolitan Book Corp.,1916),240.

Wright,Franz.“Untitled.” In Walking to Martha/'s Vineyard(New York:Knopf,2003),34.

Wright,James.“Lying in a Hammock at William Duffy/'s Farm in Pine Island,Minnesota.” In Above the River:The Complete Poems(New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux and University Press of New England,1990),122..

Yeats,William Butler.A Vision(New York:Collier Books,1966),25..

Zenith,Richard.“Introduction:The Drama and Dream of Fernando Pessoa.” In Fernando Pessoa and Co.:Selected Poems,translated and edited by Richard Zenith(New York:Grove Press,1998),5-7,16,28,31.